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Thursday, 2 March 2017

If you have a topic that you would like to see covered, please take a sec to post it in the comments section. 

In case you are shy, you can email it to me.

The hospital city - mini city - from prayer rooms to payer rooms

Let care givers do their job - Trust your care givers

Be part of the treatment of the future

Know the discounts - if you do not have insurance

Know the components of your hospital bill

Use the +ve probabilities to inspire you

This too shall pass -- (cancer) treatment is a roller coaster ride

Doctors are people too, they may be gods for many but they can be
  • stressed
  • feel numb
  • make mistakes
  • trust but verify
  • remind them of your past -- care giver can do this
  • be sensitive to the needs of the other patients

Giving back -- lots of people are responsible for my survival. Listening to families + patients help build a stem cell bank.  The process, our goals and progress.

It ain’t over until it is over (and one never will know if it is over) - take the periodic tests seriously. Listen to your body when it demands  rest.

Care givers have a life too
  • aim to become independent
  • when you give your word to follow some rules, mean it, reduce their worries


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