It has been almost three days since the 2017 edition of the IITB-MDRI Stem
Cell donor registration drive came to an end, after six days of frenetic
activity. The first three days saw many of my students and their friends and
sympathizers fan out into the Hostels and spread the need for coming to the meeting
with the Doctors and subsequently the actual event when one registers to become
a stem cell donor.
session with the students at their hostels went something like this.
would go to a hostel during their dinner period - when at each dinner table we
will find several students sitting with their friends and eating.
“Can I
talk to you guys about an important matter? It will take only a few minutes.”
years past, students would respond by studying you and then vaguely look at you
with most mumbling a “yes”.
year the dominant reaction was a half-hearted nod (while they continued to look
at their cellphones waiting for that all important message) which could be a “
yes” or a “no” but I almost always took it as a “yes” and would pull a chair
and sit down.
- Have
you heard of Stem Cell Transplant?
- Do
you know that it is the only way some of the blood diseases can be treated
- Do
you know that according to some predictions, everyone of us - in about 10
years - will know someone, either a friend or a relative, who has been
diagnosed with leukaemia?
- Do
you know that in the U.S someone needing a transplant has the luxury of
choosing from more than a dozen possible donors?
there were other possibilities of keeping them engaged through questions than
intention was to make them realize that this problem was not a lifestyle
disease but something one may be afflicted by just because we all have to
breathe or eat.
often than not, we felt we were successful in making our points and that they
will, even if they don’t show up at the “meet-the-doctor” event, come to the
registration desk on the following few days and sign up.
we faced two remarkably hostile types of people. The first was what I would
call as the purely uninformed or don't want to be informed, “head-in-the-sand”
type of non-believers. For them instant gratification in life was sufficient,
the future is for someone else to worry about.
second was the “I know everything, I am a researcher in this area and
everything you know and do is wrong” kind.
found both to be worth avoiding -- They had a snow balling effect on others. In
the first case because people around them did not want to break away from this
naysayer's camp and in the second case because the person claims to be
knowledgeable. Given the short time we had given ourselves to collect as many
supporters for our cause as possible we did not want to entertain such
distractions, and so, moved on to the next table, trying to remove that bad
taste in our mouths.
year’s drive was quite a bit disappointing. Three years ago, we had
signed up more than 200+ potential donors. This doubled in each of the two
subsequent years. So we were all hoping for another doubling. But, we were able
to enthuse only 250 or so donors to sign up. We are still analyzing why
such a low turnout was witnessed this time around. My first
reaction was utter disappointment that lead to the following letter being
sent to the editors of IITB's INSIGHT
magazine for students:
Dear Friends:
Why this apathy from the best young minds of India?
How many times have you complained about "the
system" not taking care of those "in need"?
But, when given a chance to doing something about
it, how many times have you responded?
Think about it.
Today was the final day for blood sample
collection/Stem cell Donor Registration.
It was the culmination of 6 days of campaigning --
all to mobilize support for and participation in the bone marrow registry
-- so that you and your near and dear ones will find the all important matching
stem cell donor, should the unfortunate need arise due to blood cancer, etc.
All of us involved in this drive have been quite
disappointed by the very low turn-out from the students of IITB.
What would it take to awaken you?
-- Krithi Ramamritham (CSE) and the MDRI-IITB team
No response came from those I wrote to.
No response came from those I wrote to.
Nevertheless, consoling myself that 250 is not a shabby
number, I sent the following sincere thank you note to the students and
would like to thank the nearly 250 students/staff/faculty who took the time to
register last weekend in the IITB-MDRI stem cell donor registration drive.
some day your generosity will help save the life of someone who needs stem cell
thanks to Prof Soumyo Mukerjee for motivating the students to participate in
the drive.
to the many volunteers whose help made the drive possible.